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Few ways to follow in your 20s to have financial independence in your 40s

In India, people work hard till the 50s and 60s to comfortably enjoy some years after retirement. However, increasing responsibilities and inflations are hindering a lot in achieving this goal early. Do you believe a 9-5 job is enough to attain this goal? The answer is a big no, as a 9-5 job will only pay your bills and save. You can’t enjoy and fulfill your dreams with this rat race.

Follow these steps to consider to attain your goals before touching 40

1-Know your spending

Start tracking your expenditure and keep it in check. Make a budget and identify where you are spending a lot and try to cut off the spending wherever you can. The cutting cost helps in saving part amount in your account.

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2-Make money work for you

We live in a myth that financial independence is working for money and earning as much as we can, but instead of this, we should focus on making money work for you. Make more passive income than your active income, and bomb you are all set to achieve financial independence in your 40s.

Be your own Boss : Make your Money Work for You - Grow Wealth Advisors

3-Don’t depend on a single source of income

Develop your skill, invest in yourself and start hustling. Make extra income by selling anything online, whether its course, product, or service, or by anything that generates additional revenue.

4- Invest your money

Invest your money in the stock market, mutual funds, gold, real estate, etc. This will help you in achieving financial independence in your early 40s guaranteed. Start early to retire early. 

 5-Pay off all your debt

Eliminate your debt as early as possible. Try to be debt-free. Being a debt-free person gives you mental freedom too. You can freely enjoy your life.

Smartest steps to eliminate your debt – Moneylever

6- Avoid Credit Card

Credit cards are not bad, but not using them wisely is bad and leads to a hefty fee, so try to avoid credit cards as much as possible. Use it only for emergency purposes like medical bills etc., not on liabilities like-new phones, clothes, or tv.

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